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Ayúdanos a seguir adelante con nuestro proyecto.

Sólamente con gente extraordinaria como tú podemos seguir adelante .

Haz un donativo o hazte socio

Colabora con nosotros de forma económica. Puedes hacer un donativo puntual o tener una relación más comprometida y hacer un donativo de forma periódica.

Hacer un donativo significa apoyar una causa necesaria en nuestra sociedad. Puedes hacer una donación a través de Bizum o hacer una transferencia bancaria.


Desde la APP bancaria en  la que tengas BIZUM activo, selecciona DONAR y elige Fundación THEPINKFORCE, o introduce manualmente el código 00708



Haz una transferencia bancaria a nuestro número de cuenta:

ES64 2095 5018 1091 1934 1667

Your donation is fully tax - deductible


By collaborating with The Pink Force Charity you will be able to deduct your donation from your income tax return


If you are an individual, you will have a deduction in your income tax return. If you are a company, you will have a corporate tax deduction.


If you want to benefit from these tax advantages, you will need a DONATION CERTIFICATE. You must request it when you make your donation. If you need it, request it here

Become a Volunteer

Our Charity needs collaborators for different events and activities

Volunteering is one of the ways in which you can collaborate with us and provide more value to our charity. You can put your time and knowledge at our disposal in different ways:


  • Engagement in specific events of the Charity

  • Collaboration in professional technical tasks, such as advertising, design, video, communication, translation...

  • Promotion of events

  • Fundraising


you can surprise us with many other ways to collaborate...


If you a connection to our values,you like what we do and you think you can contribute with your knowledge or your time, please contact us by filling out the form. Don't forget that you must be over 18 years old.

contact us here

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